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Keeping it SIMPLE! 3 essential oils, many ways to use them.

These 3 essential oils are: inexpensive, sustainably produced, easy to find, and easy to use.

Most people, if they have essential oils at home, have these 3.

I am not saying they are ALL you need but you can do a LOT with them.


There is also a lot of evidence-based research on these oils, so we know they work.


There are a couple of safety concerns, but they are easy to navigate.


I am just scratching the surface here with what these oils can do.

Be sure to get the download at the end on these 3 oils and general essential oil safety information to have on hand for quick reference.

1.     Lemon (Citrus limon)


Lemon essential oil comes from the cold pressed rind of the lemon fruit.




This oil has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Diffuse it to kill airborne microbes, studies have shown that it kills 40% of airborne microbes after diffusing for only 20 minutes! 

This also makes it a great essential oil to use for cleaning blends for countertops, bathrooms, etc. A few drops in a spray bottle with some vinegar and water (do a test spot on your countertops first) and you can clean glass, porcelain, and other surfaces. Make sure to shake well before spraying.

Make a paste with baking soda and water and mix in a few drops of lemon essential oil, spread over the grime and let it sit for a few minutes then wipe it down.It make take some elbow grease if it is extra grimy! Be sure to wipe your oven down well after.


Lemon has been shown to be good for anxiety and depression. In many studies, inhalation of lemon essential oil has been shown to help alleviate minor anxiety and depression. Keep in mind that if medical intervention is required for severe anxiety and depression, please seek it.


It supports your brain by helping with focus, attention, and memory. Research supports improved cognitive function by the inhalation of lemon.


Nausea and vomiting especially during pregnancy. Put a drop on a cotton pad or tissue and inhale for nausea relief.


Anti-inflammatory- good for skincare such as for pimples and for muscular pain and inflammation BUT please read the safety consideration first, especially when you are using it on skin that is exposed to sunlight.


SAFETY: Lemon essential oil is phototoxic, which means that using it in too high of a concentration on your skin and exposing yourself to UV light (the sun or a tanning bed) can lead to serious burning and skin damage. The safe dilution is no more than 12 drops per oz (30 ml). This is a 1-2% dilution.  

2.     Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia)


This essential oil comes from the distilled flowers of the lavender plant.


Lavender essential oil is probably one of the safest, most used, and most researched essential oils.




For stress and anxiety, it is a superstar.

It blends well with many other essential oils but even on its own is sedative and healing to the nervous system, calming and relaxing the mind, body, and spirit. 

There is also research on using lavender for agitation (non- aggressive) in people with dementia.

It has been used to help support sleep, it can be as simple as putting a drop or two on a cotton pad and putting in your pillow case.


Antispasmodic - meaning it is great for muscle cramping and pain, easing tight muscles and helping with tension headaches. Blend in a cream or carrier oil for a massage or for localized pain.


Pain and inflammation - lavender goes great in a massage oil, a balm, or cream for pain such as that from arthritis, menstrual pain, and overworked muscles.


Skin healing, allergies, bug bites and burns. I use a drop undiluted on bites and stings. For minor burns, first run the burn under cool water then apply a drop or two of lavender (depending on the size of the burn area) then cover with a cool damp cloth. It can also be used in creams for fungal infections and other skin irritation such as dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, and minor wounds. It is also great mixed in with some aloe gel for a sunburn.


Lavender is often used for lowering blood pressure and heart palpitations. This does not however, replace medical advice.


SAFETY: Lavender has no safety considerations. 


3.     Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)


Peppermint essential oil comes from the steam distilled leaves of the plant.




Peppermint essential oil is great for pain relief and inflammation. It creates a cooling and numbing sensation when applied diluted to the skin.

 It is good for localized pain relief but should be avoided for full body application. Using too strong of a concentration can lead to a burning sensation so don't go overboard.


It is good for belly aches; just add a drop to a small amount of cream and rub on the abdomen.


 It is also a good oil to use for headaches. You can make a cool compress for headaches by adding a drop or two of peppermint to a bowl of cool water, dip a facecloth in and wring out, place on your forehead or on the back of your neck.


You can get respiratory relief from peppermint by inhalation to reduce congestion.


Peppermint is great for fatigue. Inhalation will help boost cognitive function and eliminate fatigue.


There are some safety issues with peppermint essential oil.

1.     It should be avoided if you have cardiac fibrillation – this is an irregular and often rapid heartbeat. It is best avoided when any cardiac issues are present.

2.     If you have Glucose -6 -phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, which is a genetic disorder, you should avoid peppermint. This enzyme helps the red blood cells to work normally, a deficiency can result in hemolytic anemia where the red blood cells break down faster than they can be renewed.

3.     Do not use near the faces of babies or young children as it can result in breathing issues or neurotoxicity.

4.     Peppermint is a choleretic which makes bile flow from the liver increase. If you have cholestasis (which may be a result of issues with the bile ducts or liver) an increase in bile flow can cause issues so you must avoid peppermint essential oil.

5.     Maximum dermal limit is 5.4%


I know there are many people out there who may have just these three essential oils and aren't sure how to use them. I HOPE that this has given you a few ideas!

Please share with someone that you think this will help!

Click the button for your free download!

If you enjoyed the information on these three oils check out my new mini course which covers these 3 and 7 more common essential oils people have at home.

This mini course is meant for people who have some of the most common essential oils at home and have a lot of confusion around what to do with them.

This course is meant to EMPOWER you to be able to reach for those common essential oils and use them to support your health and wellbeing.

You will have peace of mind knowing that the information is coming from a reliable source who has your safety and wellbeing in mind.

This is NOT for aromatherapists who need CEU's

It is now live on the website at the introductory price of $39 ( Canadian)

Any questions? Send me an email



Aromahead Institute. 2024. Aromatherapy Certification Program course notes.


Battaglia, S. 2018. The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy 3rd Ed. Volume 1- Foundations & Materia Medica.Black pepper Creative. Brisbane.


Conrad, P. 2023. Aromatherapy and Women's Mental Health. Singing Dragon. London and Philadelphia.


Lawless, J. 2013. The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils in Aromatherapy, Herbalism, health and Wellbeing. Conari Press. San Francisco.


Tisserand, R. and Young, R. 2014.Essential Oil Safety. A Guide for Health Care professionals. 2nd Ed. Churchill Livingstone. London.


Fawn Last is a life long learner and educator with degrees in biology and geology. She left an academic career to become a certified aromatherapist and continues to learn as she helps others find ways to support their wellbeing using aromatherapy.



COPYRIGHT © 2024 Last Drop Essentials. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and is for educational and informational purposes only. When incorporating any complementary alternative therapy into your health care regimen, always seek the advice of your medical doctor or qualified healthcare provider, and watch for any possible interactions or side effects. Statements made on this site have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration)


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